Monday, June 20, 2011


Father - 
1.  a male parent.
2.  a father-in-law, stepfather, or adoptive father.
3.  any male ancestor, especially the founder of a race, familyor line

I don't think it is possible to define all that a dad is/all that he does in the life of his child... So I am just going to say that I thank God for giving me a dad who:

Spends time every day on his face before God
Followed God's leading and adopted 5 children
Is big enough to apologize when he is wrong
Was a fantastic playmate, taking time for tickle fights or sock wars when I was younger 
Taught me to ride a bike
Took me frog hunting during the rainy season
Never seemed to be to tired to give me a piggy-back ride
Works hard to provide for his family
Loves me even when I'm not what I should be
Will listen when I talk
Taught me how to drive a car
Laughs at my silly jokes
Spent hours helping me with Math
Gives the best hugs ever!
Is there when I need to be prayed for
and lots more... 

Of all the things my dad said growing up, a few will stay with me forever, and make me smile when I hear them: 
"whether you eat or drink, or what ever you do, do all to the glory of God"
"if it's not yours don't touch it"
"whatever a man sows that he will also reap"
"I love you"
"sometimes I don't agree with God; but I always know which of us is right"

These are just a few parts of the man I am privileged to call: Daddy

1 comment:

J.C. Derrick said...

You are very blessed.