Sunday, December 14, 2008

Greater love has no one than this..

"As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love." John 15:9

"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you." John 15:12

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, If ye do whatsoever I command you." John 15:13-14

As I thought about these verses it hit me: Jesus loves me the way the father loves him! Wow, what a thought, and this is how He wants me to love others. There can be no greater love than that which the Father bestows on the Son...

Then He says that the greatest love is someone who lays down their life for a friend. As I thought about this it occured to me that laying down your life is not just in death, it is not just dying for someone. It is laying your desires and dreams, your life, your very existance for another, it is giving up all for another. Truely there is no greater love than this anywhere, and to think this is how God loves me. It is beyond my comprehension.

Jesus layed down not only His life in death but His everyday existence. Think of what it must have been to grow up being the perfect child, for real. I mean how many kids hang out with a kid all the grown ups hold up to them for an example. Who wants to be around someone who always makes the right desision and never messes up. Yet this is what Jesus agreed to when He came to lay down His life for us. He agreed to show us the greatest love of all, the love that lays down the life of it's posessor, and He did this not only for His friends but for His enemies.

A love this strong consumes me... It is the love my God gives to me, the love I desire to give to Him in return... The love that holds me up and feeds my soul, the love I want God to pour out to others through me. A love that has no bounds, that is eternal...

Greater Love hath NO man than this...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Standing in awe of my Amazing God!!!

I have been stretched farther than I thought possible,
Run farther than I had strength to go,
Walked and not gotten weary,
Felt a deeper peace than I have known,
Had confidence beyond understanding,
Rest in very little time,
Joy beyond description,
And in My Father's arms I have soared higher than ever!!

My God is truly amazing and I have loved getting to know these new aspects of His provision over the last few months. He truly is all I need and has everything I could possibly desire and has blessed with more than I could imagine. Only in Him have I found such completeness and fulfillment and joy. I have tasted and seen that my God is good and my soul craves more of Him. I long to be used by Him and can hardly wait to see what the future holds.

Friday, June 27, 2008

CC Paper - Girls going to College

Sweat drips into eyes squinted in determination, heels dig into the ground, and fingers clutch the rope as every muscle strains in the effort to pull the other team across the line. In considering the question of girls going to college, I have felt as if I were watching a giant game of tug-a-war. On one side stand those who think girls should not go, and on the others those who think they should. Each team is convinced they are right and are determined not to budge.

Given the choice, I would join neither side. Whether a girl goes to college or not is a decision that must be made based on direction from God. His answer may vary from person to person but that does not mean one is wrong and the other right. It merely shows his paths for their lives are different. The important thing is that they are following God’s leading.

Throughout the bible God gave people assignments that were not traditionally acceptable. Deborah was used by God as a judge in a time when women did not hold such positions. David, a mere Shepard boy, was called by God to be King of Israel. Jesus called his disciples from a variety of areas. Others looking on may have thought these people foolish, but God was pleased with them because they followed his command.

God did not call all the women to be judges, nor all men to be kings, but he did call some and expected them to follow. In the same way God did not call all girls to go to college, but if he leads that direction they should follow because there is no place safer than the center of God’s will. So when you feel as if you are in a giant tug-a-war remember to ask God which side, if any, is right for you; then follow with all your heart.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Week in Tennessee

A few weeks ago I was able to lead a class of girls from eight to twelve years old. We had a lot of fun together watching skits, singing songs, and learning new things. I hope you enjoy these pictures of our time together.
Games and Snack Time

Pyrimid, can I be on top?

Lunch Time

Team A says Cheese!

Friday, May 23, 2008

On the Outside

Why is it so difficult to go against the crowd? Is it possible to be like everyone else and still be yourself? If I follow what I believe is right will I be accepted by those around me? These questions swirl around and around in my mind as once again I face the pressure of following conscience rather than the crowd.

Would it hurt to give in; does it really matter? I think of all the resons it would be ok if I gave in, after all it is not anything major just a little thing. Yet still the little voice inside will not be quiet, and finally I decide to listen and not participate. This leaves me feeling frustrated and left out. Once again I am on the outside looking in it does not matter that I did the right thing it still hurts.

Then my heavenly Father reminds me that he will always be with me and I have complete acceptance in Him. Knowing who I am in Christ enables me to stand tall, confident in his love and acceptance. While I am outside the crowd I am inside my Fathers arms and he will never let me go.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Planning your life vs. allowing God to drop it in your lap

As I thought about planning my life verses allowing God to drop it in my lap my life flashed before my eyes. I was five years old again and a well meaning, elderly lady was bent over with her face close to mine. "So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" She asked, with a big smile. I just clutched Mom’s skirt tighter and tried to hide my face, hoping the lady would go away. If you are smiling it is probably because you have had the same experience or at least a similar one. Throughout our lives we are asked this question over and over, the form and intensity with which it is asked may change but it is the same basic question: What are you going to do with your life?

This question has haunted me my entire life; it is the question that never stops. Once I decide to be a doctor, policeman, teacher, or a pilot, they wanted to know how I would get there. "What are your plans for the future?" they asked. For success you must have plans, after all how can you get anything accomplished if you do not have plans? To some extent I agree, plans help me accomplish goals and help keep life in order; they keep me from procrastination and laziness. Yet I so often see plans treated as law, with no room for flexibility or God’s direction. God may be consulted for initial direction but once a plan is in action there is no deviation allowed.

Following plans rather than God is never wise, but having plans in accordance to God’s will is a good thing as long as you surrender complete control of those plans to Him. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:3&9) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how much planning I do God’s way will be accomplished. His way is far superior to my own so I am happy His direction. I look forward to seeing what he will accomplish in His time. I want to use my time wisely and even more I want to follow God’s will, reaching for his absolute best in my life. I will trust him and follow his direction. I will yield control of my plans to him and the next time someone asks me what I am going to do with my life I will tell them I will spend my life in search of God’s absolute best.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today I attended the First Lady's Prayer brunch of Tampa. The main speaker, Pam Tebow, spoke on influence. I have been thinking a lot about influence lately and what she shared greatly challenged me. She said "If your life connects with anyone else's life you have influence. If you influence anyone, you influence everyone in their life." This made me stop and think; how do I want others to be influenced by my life? Am I living in such a way that my influence will be good?

She then shared six points that are important to influence.

1. Master- Choose this day whom you will serve. Who I follow effects what type of influence I have. A relationship with Christ is the corner stone of influence.
2. Manuel- What directions am I following? Do I read the greatest manual of all, the bible or do I rely on myself or others for answers to life's questions?
3. Prayer- Prayer is not so much a channel through which I influence God. It is the channel through which God influences me.
4. Mindset- What I think about is what I become, so I should guard my thoughts.
5. Mission- Influence others on purpose! John 15:5 Abide in Christ, without Him I can do nothing, including influencing others.
6. Passions- I must be passionate about what I believe. People are drawn to passion so I need to learn to share mine with others.

I desire to be a woman of strong influence and I want that influence to draw others to God. I want to be passionate for Him and to pass that passion on to others. Mrs Tebow's talk reminded me I am influencing others now and if I want that influence to be good I must abide in God and allow Him to do the influencing through me. To illustrate what she meant she shared the following poem:

Little eyes are watching you

There are little eyes upon you
and they're watching night and day.
There are little ears that quickly
take in every word you say.

There are little hands all eager to do
anything you do;
And a little boy who's dreaming
of the day he'll be like you.

You're the little fellow's idol,
you're the wisest of the wise.
In his little mind about you
no suspicions ever rise.

He believes in you devoutly,
holds all you say and do;
He will say and do, in your way
when he's grown up just like you.

There's a wide eyed little fellow
who believes you're always right;
and his eyes are always opened,
and he watches day and night.

You are setting an example
every day in all you do;
For the little boy who's waiting
to grow up to be like you.

I desire each day to reach for God's absolute best in my life so my influence will be His influence. So the little eyes that are watching me will have a good example to follow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mountain tops & Valleys

"Mountain top experiences" Perhaps you have heard that expression before. I have often heard people say they love being on the mountain top and find it an uplifting experience. They see valleys as times of 'lowness' or sorrow. As I thought of this I wondered if perhaps they are not missing out on a great deal in constantly striving for the 'mountaintop.'

Mountain tops afford a great view and a sense of achievement, yet they are lonely places, covered in snow and gained only through a great difficulty. On a mountaintop you have a wonderful, broad perspective of where you have been and where you are going, something no other place affords. Enjoy the mountain tops, they are wonderful places, delight in every moment, but do not rush through the valleys.

In the valleys our view shrinks considerably. Yet think of all the beauty found in a valley: rich, green Meadows; fields of flowers waving in the gentle breeze, birds singing in the trees, the soft murmur of a stream, and in the distance another mountain adds majesty to the landscape.

Valleys are the place of picnics and friends, of summer days filled with laughter. Sometimes they can be filled with tears and sorrow, but what better place to find comfort and solace. A place of rest and peace, surrounded by beauty and reminders of God's love.

Mountaintops are wonderful but do not over look the value of the valleys. Enjoy where you are and embrace every experience, live in the moment...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Come Sit with Me

When I am down and oh,
my soul so weary,
when troubles come
and my heart burdened be,
then I am still
and wait here in the silence
until you come
and sit a while with me.

You raise me up
so I can stand on mountains.
You raise me up
to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong
when I am on your shoulders.
You raise me up
to more than I can be.

words by: Rolf Lovland and Brendan Graham

I love the words of this song! Especially the part about waiting in silence until you come and sit a while with me. For me sitting in silence with someone is a special bond, neither needs say anything, yet you know they are there and it is enough. I long to know God in that way and am learning time with Him satisfies my innermost desires and leaves me feeling treasured and loved.

During the past few monthe God has taught me a lot about building my relationship with Him and others through communication and spending time just sitting together. He continually shows me communication and relationships require two for success, one who will listen and one who will share their heart, each giving and receiving, loving and accepting love. We can neither always give or always take but must learn the art of both. Some times we will join a friend and sit with them, other times we must allow another the privilege of sitting with us. In doing this we give our trust and make ourselves vulnerable, two rare and precious gifts.

Father teach me to communicate with you, I want to fulfill your desires, to know what makes you happy. I know I have your love, or at least I am learning I do but I long for your pleasure. I want to make you smile... like a child I want to give you my love through all I have and with all my heart holding nothing back. Teach me your ways; I long to know more about you.... Come sit with me...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Shards of Glass

Have you ever felt your world tumble down around you, experienced your hopes and dreams shattering leaving nothing but shards of glass at your feet? This last summer my life fell apart, shattering into thousands of pieces, cutting my heart and filling my eyes with tears.

Through my tears and searing pain I cried to God, asking him what he could possibly do with shattered glass, which was the way I viewed my life. I could not see how anything could ever come of all the pain and pieces.

Then God seemed to say "Chrissy, you know those stain glass windows you were admiring? What are they made of?"

My heart filling with hope, in a whisper I replied, "pieces of glass."

"Give me the things that cause you pain, let me hold you while you weep. I will take the pieces and make something beautiful, I will place them together with my love and compassion. Trust me, I will complete the work I began in you. Like the sun shines through a stain glass window my light will shine through you and the pieces will send the world a message."

Consider this post and those to follow pieces of glass for my window, I do not know how they will all fit together but I do know God is the Master craftsman and He has a place for each piece.