Monday, March 31, 2008

Come Sit with Me

When I am down and oh,
my soul so weary,
when troubles come
and my heart burdened be,
then I am still
and wait here in the silence
until you come
and sit a while with me.

You raise me up
so I can stand on mountains.
You raise me up
to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong
when I am on your shoulders.
You raise me up
to more than I can be.

words by: Rolf Lovland and Brendan Graham

I love the words of this song! Especially the part about waiting in silence until you come and sit a while with me. For me sitting in silence with someone is a special bond, neither needs say anything, yet you know they are there and it is enough. I long to know God in that way and am learning time with Him satisfies my innermost desires and leaves me feeling treasured and loved.

During the past few monthe God has taught me a lot about building my relationship with Him and others through communication and spending time just sitting together. He continually shows me communication and relationships require two for success, one who will listen and one who will share their heart, each giving and receiving, loving and accepting love. We can neither always give or always take but must learn the art of both. Some times we will join a friend and sit with them, other times we must allow another the privilege of sitting with us. In doing this we give our trust and make ourselves vulnerable, two rare and precious gifts.

Father teach me to communicate with you, I want to fulfill your desires, to know what makes you happy. I know I have your love, or at least I am learning I do but I long for your pleasure. I want to make you smile... like a child I want to give you my love through all I have and with all my heart holding nothing back. Teach me your ways; I long to know more about you.... Come sit with me...

1 comment:

Christy said...

Beautiful. I love hearing from your heart!
Love ya