Friday, May 23, 2008

On the Outside

Why is it so difficult to go against the crowd? Is it possible to be like everyone else and still be yourself? If I follow what I believe is right will I be accepted by those around me? These questions swirl around and around in my mind as once again I face the pressure of following conscience rather than the crowd.

Would it hurt to give in; does it really matter? I think of all the resons it would be ok if I gave in, after all it is not anything major just a little thing. Yet still the little voice inside will not be quiet, and finally I decide to listen and not participate. This leaves me feeling frustrated and left out. Once again I am on the outside looking in it does not matter that I did the right thing it still hurts.

Then my heavenly Father reminds me that he will always be with me and I have complete acceptance in Him. Knowing who I am in Christ enables me to stand tall, confident in his love and acceptance. While I am outside the crowd I am inside my Fathers arms and he will never let me go.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Planning your life vs. allowing God to drop it in your lap

As I thought about planning my life verses allowing God to drop it in my lap my life flashed before my eyes. I was five years old again and a well meaning, elderly lady was bent over with her face close to mine. "So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" She asked, with a big smile. I just clutched Mom’s skirt tighter and tried to hide my face, hoping the lady would go away. If you are smiling it is probably because you have had the same experience or at least a similar one. Throughout our lives we are asked this question over and over, the form and intensity with which it is asked may change but it is the same basic question: What are you going to do with your life?

This question has haunted me my entire life; it is the question that never stops. Once I decide to be a doctor, policeman, teacher, or a pilot, they wanted to know how I would get there. "What are your plans for the future?" they asked. For success you must have plans, after all how can you get anything accomplished if you do not have plans? To some extent I agree, plans help me accomplish goals and help keep life in order; they keep me from procrastination and laziness. Yet I so often see plans treated as law, with no room for flexibility or God’s direction. God may be consulted for initial direction but once a plan is in action there is no deviation allowed.

Following plans rather than God is never wise, but having plans in accordance to God’s will is a good thing as long as you surrender complete control of those plans to Him. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:3&9) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how much planning I do God’s way will be accomplished. His way is far superior to my own so I am happy His direction. I look forward to seeing what he will accomplish in His time. I want to use my time wisely and even more I want to follow God’s will, reaching for his absolute best in my life. I will trust him and follow his direction. I will yield control of my plans to him and the next time someone asks me what I am going to do with my life I will tell them I will spend my life in search of God’s absolute best.