Thursday, June 23, 2011

Steadfast Love/Loving Kindess

This year I got a new bible from a friend, an ESV and as I have read through the psalms I have been surprised at how much different wording can make some phrases stand out, and because of this have enjoyed rediscovering some great verses. 

One such phrase is "steadfast love", I have always read it as lovingkindness, which made sense but "steadfast love" grabbed my attention. 

Psalm 25
vMake me to know your ways,  Lord
teach me your paths.
vLead me in your truth and teach me, 
for you are the God of my salvation; 
for you I wait all the day long. 
vRemember your mercy,  
Lord, and your steadfast love/loving kindness
for they have been from of old.

Psalm 36
vYour steadfast love/loving kindness, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
 your faithfulness to the clouds.
v6 How precious is your steadfast love/loving kindness, O God! 
The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. 
v10 Oh, continue your steadfast love/loving kindness to those who know you, 
and your righteousness to the upright of heart!

Psalm 63
v3 Because your steadfast love/loving kindness is better than life,
 my lips will praise you. 
v4 So I will bless you as long as I live; 
in your name I will lift up my hands.

Psalm 103
v2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, 
bless his holy name!
v3 who forgives all your iniquity, 
who heals all your diseases, 
v4 who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you 
with steadfast love/loving kindness and mercy,
v5 who satisfies you with good 
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's 

I have loved looking through these verses and been made happy at the reminder of God's love and kindness for us... I am so grateful for these verses and other similar ones that: remind me of the depth and width of God's love and mercy, filling me with joy and satisfaction; and cause me to sit back in awe of the beauty of who God is... 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Throughout history, many great men were noted for great deeds and big dreams. However, not one of them truly stood solo, behind each great man/woman is an arsenal of ‘ordinary’ people who inspired their vision and pushed them to keep going. They had someone, or many some ones to keep them going…. These may never be noted or acclaimed but their sacrifice, forever imbedded in history, continues to shape tomorrow.

Whom are you influencing? You never know where they are going to end up in life... and even if none ever enters the small circle of "famous" they will influence those their life touches, making your influence spread farther than you can imagine. 

Monday, June 20, 2011


Father - 
1.  a male parent.
2.  a father-in-law, stepfather, or adoptive father.
3.  any male ancestor, especially the founder of a race, familyor line

I don't think it is possible to define all that a dad is/all that he does in the life of his child... So I am just going to say that I thank God for giving me a dad who:

Spends time every day on his face before God
Followed God's leading and adopted 5 children
Is big enough to apologize when he is wrong
Was a fantastic playmate, taking time for tickle fights or sock wars when I was younger 
Taught me to ride a bike
Took me frog hunting during the rainy season
Never seemed to be to tired to give me a piggy-back ride
Works hard to provide for his family
Loves me even when I'm not what I should be
Will listen when I talk
Taught me how to drive a car
Laughs at my silly jokes
Spent hours helping me with Math
Gives the best hugs ever!
Is there when I need to be prayed for
and lots more... 

Of all the things my dad said growing up, a few will stay with me forever, and make me smile when I hear them: 
"whether you eat or drink, or what ever you do, do all to the glory of God"
"if it's not yours don't touch it"
"whatever a man sows that he will also reap"
"I love you"
"sometimes I don't agree with God; but I always know which of us is right"

These are just a few parts of the man I am privileged to call: Daddy

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Pile

THE PILE... It has lived in my room for the past year... ok, well, three-plus years. Every trip and adventure causes it to grow, and every spring cleaning shrinks it some. Well, I finally decided to evict it, and in the process found all sorts of treasures:

Great QuotesGiving a speech is like throwing up, it is awful beforehand but then you feel better. - Rachel,    
Behold… Me.. – Sarah

Lots of notes, and letters - Reminders of the lesson I was learning/God was trying to teach me as well as life experiences and special moments that I sometimes forget.

Notes and cards - Reminding me that I am loved and there are people praying for me. As well as giving me some great laughs at our randomness.

Photos - Pictures truly are worth 1000 words; each brought back lots of memories, and made me miss my peoples. Yes, I am sappy that way :) 

Little gifts and mementos - basically these brought lots of smiles and grins to my face, just because... 

Random items of unknown origin - These are the items I wondered what possessed me to pick up, much less keep... Or items that have a special significance that I am sure would make everyone else wonder what possessed me to pick up, much less keep... like my special soap (ahem... Hannah) 

All these things, and more made the task of cleaning out the Pile a lot less daunting, in fact it made it a lot of fun!! It is super nice to be able to see my corner again, after getting rid of all the unnecessary papers and junk... Now I am looking forward to scrap-booking all of my rediscovered treasures... It's

 amazing how much happy memories can brighten one's day.

Memories are made in moments but last a life time...