Friday, April 29, 2011

The Value of a Pen...

I came to a startling conclusion on my way out to Colorado: 
A pen is one of the most valuable non-animated objects in my possession. 

As I packed for my three-month trip to Colorado, determined to have underweight luggage, I tried to think of every thing I could possibly need and then minimize what I was taking. I packed and repacked and eliminated then carefully put all like-items together and was quite pleased with myself when both my suitcases were approximately only 30lbs (Yes, you can give me an imaginary high-five for that ;) ) 

So off I went, decked out in my fun, new boots and a grin on my face, ready for my epic journey of learning and adventure! Picture with the family, Check; Hugs for everyone, check; luggage, check; laptop and journal, check; through security, check; sit and journal while waiting to board.... what!? No pen!! or Pencil, or marker, or any other writing utensil... No big deal, I'll just by one... or so I thought!

In the ten minutes before my plane boarded I looked everywhere, I even thought of asking a random stranger if they had an extra, but everywhere I looked people were on laptops or phones, or some other electronic form of communication/writing. No pens were to be seen... not even for purchase. 

I had a laptop, but I just wanted a pen... there is something nice about scribbling thoughts onto a page, and doodling in the margins of my journal. I love the sound of a pen or pencil gliding across a page: the soft strokes of thoughtful contemplation, or the loud hurried scratches and emphatic thud of an inspired writer who's fingers can't keep up with their mind. 

Pens allow me to do so many things:
Brain power as I chew on the end waiting for brilliance to come...  ;)
They fit behind my ear for ready access...
They make great hair holders...
They fit perfectly into a pocket or purse...
Special communication, such as letters and cards...
Doing Logic puzzles...
Finally, they are fantastic for journaling and sorting through plans and ideas!

There is more but you get the idea. Needless to say I boarded the plane pen-less, and had a very boring flight which thankfully was not to long. As soon as it ended, I disembarked with one mission in mind: find a pen! 

After looking in several shops I finally just went up and asked one of the clerks "can you Please tell me where I can buy a pen?" I am sure he thought me rather strange... but, he reached behind several odds and ends on the counter and pulled out a nice black pen. (how people were supposed to see them is beyond me) I grinned, asked how much is was, gulped, bought it anyway, and walked away, the proud owner of a three-dollar pen... 

In the end I decided it was well worth it because I got to journal during my second flight. I did, however, determine to always carry a pen with me :) especially when I am traveling. So next time you are packing don't forget your pen! It's a valuable companion :) 


Narnianut said...

So true! I discovered long ago the dangers of lacking a pen, so I always carry at least 3-4 at all times. :)

Unknown said...

:D can you believe I did almost the same thing a week later? thankfully I had my laptop and was able to at least blog some...