Saturday, May 12, 2012


I am so thankful for all of the rich blessings I have found over the past while as I have been looking for the joys in the everyday. I have found that even on the toughest days there is always something to smile about.  To add to my post from last time:

Sitting in the sun just enjoying the scenery, I have enjoyed watching as little faith looks at all the pretty flowers and as she zigzags around the yard watching the bees and butterflies as they flit from one bud to the next. She is so wrapped up in the simple beauty she doesn't notice she is being watched.

Spending time doing things with friends. It is amazing how many things become much more fun when you are doing them with friends.

Baking - I love baking and have had lots of opportunity to fill that in the last two weeks... I think I am good for a while. 

Cooking - Basically ditto to what I said about baking and friends, cooking is awesome especially when you do it with friends. 

I have also been super blessed to be reminded of how happy it is to be able to talk to God everyday and know that I am not alone in the 'little' and 'big' things of life.

The unexpected - I don't always like being unsure, but I am enjoying learning new things as I continue to discover more of who God is in the moments I am unsure of what I should do next. 

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