Sweat drips into eyes squinted in determination, heels dig into the ground, and fingers clutch the rope as every muscle strains in the effort to pull the other team across the line. In considering the question of girls going to college, I have felt as if I were watching a giant game of tug-a-war. On one side stand those who think girls should not go, and on the others those who think they should. Each team is convinced they are right and are determined not to budge.
Given the choice, I would join neither side. Whether a girl goes to college or not is a decision that must be made based on direction from God. His answer may vary from person to person but that does not mean one is wrong and the other right. It merely shows his paths for their lives are different. The important thing is that they are following God’s leading.
Throughout the bible God gave people assignments that were not traditionally acceptable. Deborah was used by God as a judge in a time when women did not hold such positions. David, a mere Shepard boy, was called by God to be King of Israel. Jesus called his disciples from a variety of areas. Others looking on may have thought these people foolish, but God was pleased with them because they followed his command.
God did not call all the women to be judges, nor all men to be kings, but he did call some and expected them to follow. In the same way God did not call all girls to go to college, but if he leads that direction they should follow because there is no place safer than the center of God’s will. So when you feel as if you are in a giant tug-a-war remember to ask God which side, if any, is right for you; then follow with all your heart.
Hey! My name is Hannah Ruth Morrison. I'm another ATI girl (15 years old) and a friend of Teresa Miller. I'v had fun reading your blog the last few days.
Thanks Hannah... I love getting comments, and am glad you liked the post. :D
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