For the past few years my family and I have attended "cow appreciation day" at Chick-fil-a. Basically, on this day anyone who goes to Chick-fil-a dressed like a cow receives a free meal; so of course we participate!
We usually go with my cousin and her family but this year I was kid-sitting/providing adult supervision for a family of 11 while their parents were out of town for their anniversary. So, my family and I decided I would bring the kids and meet them at the mall (the oldest works at the chick-fil-a there) that was brilliant idea number one...
The day dawned slightly overcast with a promise of rain... (feel free to insert your own sound effects, like an ominous piece of music, or a drum roll. )
After a quick breakfast we started attaching paper spots, and "painting" spots on faces with lots of cries of "I can't find a black shirt to wear", "have you seen my shoes", "where did the tape go?" we somehow managed to get spots on everyone and were finally ready to go.
Only then did I realize it wasn't just raining, it was pouring; pouring, and there was no umbrella to be found. Oh well a little water never hurt anyone, right? I'd just run to the van and pull it up nice and close to the porch. Well, I got the running to the van part down, only to find it wouldn't start, the battery was dead; not even making a noise dead. What to do now?? First, call my mom and let her know what was going on so she and the girls didn't wonder where we were, then figure out if she can come take some of the kiddos in our van, because who wants to disappoint everyone, besides after all the work on the costumes we were going to go!
Right before mom arrives we discover another problem: the oldest boy had taken the only gate key to work with him, therefore we couldn't let the van in and we couldn't drive the truck out. Brilliant idea number three hit me about then and I had the boys find a wrench... Yup, I took the gate apart, guess all those times helping Dad payed off.
The only problem was I now had to get everyone loaded, drive the truck out and then put the gate back together before we could leave, shouldn't be to hard... Cept the truck's gear shift didn't read right so you had to count down the clicks and hope you got the correct one aaaand the pedals were nice and sensitive, I'm sure I looked pretty comical as I figured this all out. Thankfully we managed just fine and made it to the mall with no other major hiccups in our plans.
If you ever feel like you need a little extra attention, let me tell you, taking 10 kids into a mall dressed like cows is the way to go! Especially if they are wet albeit cute cows. They thought it was great and we all really enjoyed getting a meal of our choice with the tokens we received for all our hard work.
As we sat munching on our delicious food, I heard a loud crash. The sound of one of the boys glass jars, full of change, hitting the floor and shattering...
It seemed as if everyone wanted to contribute to making the day as memorable as possible, because not ten minutes after the glass and change was picked up a rather unpleasant aroma filled my senses; I will save you the icky details and just say the baby's diaper had exploded... and in the confusion of leaving the house we had forgotten the diaper bag. Thankfully there was a mother with a baby about the right age next to us and she let us have one of theirs, and the bathroom had a nice supply of free baby wipes.
The final craziness of the day was the dogs eating sandwiches we brought home and one my girls getting sick just before they got picked up to go home. (they had decided to stay and hang out for the evening) All in all it was an epically special day.
The day wasn't all craziness though, the kids and I had a blast and now we have great stories to tell! My family got to hang out with us for a while, and I got a few great pictures. Making the costumes was a great way to create lasting memories that will always bring a smile to my face.
It was just... one of those days
We usually go with my cousin and her family but this year I was kid-sitting/providing adult supervision for a family of 11 while their parents were out of town for their anniversary. So, my family and I decided I would bring the kids and meet them at the mall (the oldest works at the chick-fil-a there) that was brilliant idea number one...
The day dawned slightly overcast with a promise of rain... (feel free to insert your own sound effects, like an ominous piece of music, or a drum roll. )
After a quick breakfast we started attaching paper spots, and "painting" spots on faces with lots of cries of "I can't find a black shirt to wear", "have you seen my shoes", "where did the tape go?" we somehow managed to get spots on everyone and were finally ready to go.
Only then did I realize it wasn't just raining, it was pouring; pouring, and there was no umbrella to be found. Oh well a little water never hurt anyone, right? I'd just run to the van and pull it up nice and close to the porch. Well, I got the running to the van part down, only to find it wouldn't start, the battery was dead; not even making a noise dead. What to do now?? First, call my mom and let her know what was going on so she and the girls didn't wonder where we were, then figure out if she can come take some of the kiddos in our van, because who wants to disappoint everyone, besides after all the work on the costumes we were going to go!
Right before mom arrives we discover another problem: the oldest boy had taken the only gate key to work with him, therefore we couldn't let the van in and we couldn't drive the truck out. Brilliant idea number three hit me about then and I had the boys find a wrench... Yup, I took the gate apart, guess all those times helping Dad payed off.
The only problem was I now had to get everyone loaded, drive the truck out and then put the gate back together before we could leave, shouldn't be to hard... Cept the truck's gear shift didn't read right so you had to count down the clicks and hope you got the correct one aaaand the pedals were nice and sensitive, I'm sure I looked pretty comical as I figured this all out. Thankfully we managed just fine and made it to the mall with no other major hiccups in our plans.
If you ever feel like you need a little extra attention, let me tell you, taking 10 kids into a mall dressed like cows is the way to go! Especially if they are wet albeit cute cows. They thought it was great and we all really enjoyed getting a meal of our choice with the tokens we received for all our hard work.
As we sat munching on our delicious food, I heard a loud crash. The sound of one of the boys glass jars, full of change, hitting the floor and shattering...
It seemed as if everyone wanted to contribute to making the day as memorable as possible, because not ten minutes after the glass and change was picked up a rather unpleasant aroma filled my senses; I will save you the icky details and just say the baby's diaper had exploded... and in the confusion of leaving the house we had forgotten the diaper bag. Thankfully there was a mother with a baby about the right age next to us and she let us have one of theirs, and the bathroom had a nice supply of free baby wipes.
The final craziness of the day was the dogs eating sandwiches we brought home and one my girls getting sick just before they got picked up to go home. (they had decided to stay and hang out for the evening) All in all it was an epically special day.
The day wasn't all craziness though, the kids and I had a blast and now we have great stories to tell! My family got to hang out with us for a while, and I got a few great pictures. Making the costumes was a great way to create lasting memories that will always bring a smile to my face.
It was just... one of those days